I know I told myself that I'd post here everyday once I graduated from High School, but damn! The deadbeat life has me in a chokehold already. 90% of my days have consisted of reading fanfictions on AO3. Sad, I know. I have had some fun adventures during my hiatus. For example, while my friends parents were out in Hawaii, her and I decided that getting underage crunk would be a brilliant idea! It kind of was though..... Right until the point that we decided to write a vulgar letter to the creators of South Park, explicitly admitting how we were drunk, and how they should make a episode with a frutiger aero slideshow in it (search it up) . I might publish the letter because its so brilliant, but we printed it out and forgot to send it out or atleast hide it once we woke up. Our dumbasses had no idea how her mom found out.
This is actually a crazy druggy Summer. I myself barely if ever partake in illicit substances, nor do I really plan to, but the folks around me sure don't mind. I experimented with marajuana, only to realize I don't enjoy being nonverbal and not capable of thought. It was like the switch on my ADHD turned off. When I woke up after trying my friends evil vape, my room was 90 degrees becuz of my shitty air conditioning and I was sort of sleep deprived, so I started crying about the fall of America, and thought that the CIA was intentionally making my room hot so I would die. I held my puppy close to my heart and telepathically communicated to her that she must avenge me. Then I woke up to see a Fallout New Vegas playthrough on the tv and genuinely thought I had lived to see the fall of America in real life. Wacky times. Then things got even stranger, I got invited to hang at a family friends house. He told me to come with him and watch Spiderman (his 4th time) and I should've stuck to my gut and remained loyal to Batman, but at last I caved in. Once we parked he tells me he took acid. NOT COOL brah. Then he gets a drink and takes a couple of hits from his weed pen. Im praying for bros health rn. ANyways after that day I realized what all of these anti drug programs in school were trying to teach me, drugs aren't necessary for fun. And Naomi and I have agreed that, that lesson is ultimately what the entirety of my highschools senior class had to learn this year.
I watched The Room in theatres for its 20th anniverseray(idk how to spell LOL) , largely dubbed as the best worst movie, and I kid you not the two friends I brought with me Naomi and Avery wanted me soooooo bad becuz of it. I can't help but be irresistible. I watched Ingmar Bergmans Persona too, brilliant film but too smart for me, I barely got half of what was going on. I also went to Griffith Observatory with Chelsea and Kiran, we made it out of the AP Gov groupchat and I'm glad. The star show was freaking amazing, and we got to drive back home in Kirans grandpas convertible while listening to Lana Del Rey (the best convertible music)
Speaking of AP, my test results came back in and I passed all of the 4 I took this year. Its on a 1-5 point scale. I got a 5 on AP Literature and Art History, but a 3 on Government and Computer Science.....EEK
3 is still passing, but alot of why I didn't do as good on those tests is because for both classes I had two very cool teachers, who were kind of done with their jobs, ofcourse I'll take some form of accountability on my case. But I thought out of all of the tests I took AP Gov would be a for sure 5, I guess not though. Still I passed all 9 of my AP tests throughout highschool and thats what matters cuz its all about the college credit anyways
it is a little ironic that I didn't do the best on AP Comp Sci though considering I coded an entire fucking website for myself
Currently I'm with a dog I'm babysitting, his name is Comet, say hi to the world comet!!!! He said hi
"MACHINE GIRL!" I hear you yell out "We don't want to hear your stupid stories, tell us about how you feel on the matter of post-highschool life!!!!"......lol it's aight ig. No but in all honesty graduation didn't feel all that special besides all the moolah I got (muahahahahaahahahaahaha) but what really got me is when we were invited by our districts old elementary schools to come in our cap and gowns and hang out with the kids. This was perhaps the most meaningful day of my life. I loved my elementary school so much, ESPECIALLY the amazing teacher I had in 6th grade (she introduced me to morrissey and was the first one to truly let me see my potential) and coming back as a academically accomplished, healthy adult (sorta) made me feel so extremely amazing. All the kids were amazing, and for those couple of hours I felt like a kid again. The kids loved me and were no joke asking all of us for our signatures. It seems strange but then I remember, they're our past, we're their future.
I'm not sure what life will offer me, but I'll be the first to admit I'm scared, I hope I can live up to all my dreams, atleast the ones that matter <3
- xoxo Machine Girl xoxo
p.s I'm sorry for not updating frequently, I'll try to do it more because I've probably forgot alot of good things to tell you guys about